Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 1: An Introduction

My name is Bryan and I am 26 years old.  By the time I finish this first entry it will be 12:00, meaning that I will have successfully completed my first day of not smoking.  One day down - now I just have to keep it up for the next 74 years.  (That is if I live to be 100, but hey, now it might actually be doable.)

So why'd I quit and what's my plan?  Well basically I am studying to be an RN.  I am paranoid every time I step on the elevator because I feel like my classmates are choking off the cigarette I just had.  Usually to save myself the embarrassment I just take the stairs.  The real reason I am worried is I used to TA in the anatomy lab.

Err. it is 12:05 and I am so proud of of my success I want a cigarette. Weird.

Ok concentrate. Back to the story.  The lab was great because I got to become close friends with 40 or so cadavers.  Most were Dutch.  All were John and Jane Does. We would work on them every week, starting from the skin and working our way down. I even got in some of the creepy one-on-one alone time during the midnight hours while studying for exams.

When you open the chest and look at the lungs, it's not at all like those pictures they show on anti-smoking ads.  None of them are pink.  Pink is for babies. If you live in any kind of city your lungs will  be gray.  Smog, car fumes, dust, whatever, will make its way in there, and once it's in it's hard to get out.  But the smokers' lungs... they were 5 times darker.  More of a charcoal black. Many were polka dotted with nickel to quarter sized fluid filled filled cysts.

Ok. That's enough for today.   I have been running around feeling like a chicken with its head chopped off.  I went to bed at 10 and I couldn't sleep.  I still can't sleep.  It's 12:45.  I need sleepy tea.
  BTW, isn't tea kind of like coffee?  I'll try it, but who knows it it will help.  I can say it on here because whoever reads this probably smokes, has smoked, or is quitting, and therefore is an adult.  FUCKKKKKK EVERYTHING! I feel like I can't think.  Oh well.

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